Wednesday, January 25, 2006

important configurations

Today i was at my "new Genres" art class and we had a long lecture on different ways to find art using the web, and also discovered lots of "' which i didn’t really know existed, or not at least in the extensive amount that it is. It was very cool but somewhat daunting to see how all sorts of different art was being made both about and in the medium of the web. Something i have been aware of for a long time is how much smaller the world seems to be getting with the internet, and how quickly it seems to entering into the consciousness of everyday life. The bombardment of information is almost suffocating in a sense. As an artist, called to pay attention to the world, i find it gets harder and harder when there is so much. I find i need to get away, i need to get unplugged so to speak. Anyway the reason i wanted to post was because we encountered a piece on the web called "everyicon" ( ) its a piece in which a 32x32 pixel square runs through every possible combination of black and white squares there can be. It is said that the square would take trillions of years to get through in every possible combination. This means that if kept running it would eventually create a portrait of my face, of my friends face ect. Different shots of the same face. Pretty cool, no? Although i thought it was a cool piece i found it bothered me cuz i started thinking that everything could just amount to a probable inevitability. Talk about Post-modernism for ya. Meaningless constructs of reality. something that i have vehemently rejected. And i still do, it occurred to me not to long ago that seeing the world in the context of meaning or unmeaning is the same exercise of belief. I am not going to elaborate any further, but it seems that configurations depend on other configurations and its seems a matter of choice to see them as random or not. Reality, i am discovering seems to be configurations within configurations, whether this is infinite or not, is another matter. But its seems that we can realize that our configuration as biological beings, or as information gathers going through time, being shaped. This seems that our configurations seem all the more special, that Our Time is now! and its our time, in our sequence. This is our configuration in time, we should hold it as precious, and perhaps chose to discover meaning within our lives.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

new blog

test post